
Showing posts from March, 2018

Charlie Well's Triple Hopped IPA

Charlie Well's Triple Hopped IPA Charlie Well's Triple Hopped IPA (Wells & Young's Brewery) ABV 5.2% Clear yellow pour with one inch head. Malt, Cereal, Hop on the nose. Clean after taste, subtle pine and caramel. Overall, nothing impressive.

Bridge Road Brewers Bling Indian Pale Ale

Bridge Road Brewers Bling IPA Bridge Road Brewers Bling IPA (Bridge Road Brewers, Beechworth) ABV 5.8% Hoppy, Pine and Citrus. Medium finish.

The Booth Kieuk Session IPA

The Booth Kieuk Session IPA   Kieuk Session IPA (The Booth Brewing Co., South Korea) ABV 4.5% Cloudy golden, one inch head, good amount of lacing. Citrus peel, floral, honey, hop and pine. Crispy mouthfeel, hoppy, light carbonation with subtle pine and bitterness. Overall, refreshing session IPA to be drank anytime of the day or any occasion.